UOW Eurobodalla Library

Batemans Bay Community Library is located in the Education Centre and provides access to collections and information services for UOW students and staff.

Opening hours

For opening hours see Batemans Bay Community Library.


Live Chat

Instant message a UOW librarian to assist you with your questions.

Book a consultation

Postgraduate (and Honours) students and academics can book a one-on-one consultation with one of our librarians.

Intercampus Document Delivery

On-shore regional campus students and staff can use our Intercampus Document Delivery service to borrow items held at Wollongong Campus Library.

Academic Skills Centre

The Peer Learning Coaches at the Academic Skills Centre can help you improve your study and research skills, locate academic resources, share strategies to help you tackle challenging content and provide you with lots of tips around your studies and more!

Peer Learning Coach services are available to all students.

Visit the Academic Skills Centre for session availabilities or to get in contact with a Peer Learning Coach.



Contact us

Hanging Rock Place, Batemans Bay NSW 2536