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Books | Footnoting

Chapter in an ebook


47. J Shattock, 'Elizabeth Gaskell: journalism and letters' in L Brake and M Demoor (eds), The lure of illustration in the nineteenth century picture and press, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, 2009, p. 120.


Shattock, J, 'Elizabeth Gaskell: journalism and letters' in L Brake and M Demoor (eds), The lure of illustration in the nineteenth century picture and press, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, 2009, pp. 119-127.


  • Cite an ebook reference the same as a print title.  Do not include the database name, the URL or the viewed date.

Chapter in an edited book


10. E Gray, `The hair of Milton: historicism and literary history' in D Walford Davies (ed.), Romanticism, history, historicism: essays on an orthodoxy, Routledge, New York, 2009, pp. 33. 


Gray, E, 'The hair of Milton: historicism and literary history' in D Walford Davies (ed.), Romanticism, history, historicism: essays on an orthodoxy, Routledge, New York, 2009, pp. 32-42.   



46. V Koller, Metaphor and gender in business media discourse: a critical cognitive study, Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 2004, p. 45. 


Koller, V, Metaphor and gender in business media discourse: a critical cognitive study, Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 2004.

Edited book


10. A Blackledge & A Creese (eds), Multilingualism: a critical perspective, Continuum, London, 2010, p. 29.


Blackledge, A & A Creese (eds), Multilingualism: a critical perspective, Continuum, London, New York, 2010.


  • Follow the editor or editors names with (ed.) for editor or (eds) for editors.

Encyclopedia or dictionary (online)


32. 'Choctaw' in UXL Encyclopedia of Native American Tribes, Vol. 1: Northeast and Southeast, 2nd edn, Detroit, UXL, 2008.


'Choctaw' in UXL Encyclopedia of Native American Tribes, Vol. 1: Northeast and Southeast, 2nd edn, Detroit, UXL, 2008.


  • If the online encyclopedia is from an online library database e.g. Gale Virtual Reference or Oxford Reference Online, cite it the same as you would for a print title. Do not include the database name, the URL or the viewed date.
  • If you have used a dictionary or encyclopedia from a website include the URL and the viewed date at the end of the reference.

Encyclopedia or dictionary (print)


Short entry

12. The Oxford dictionary of the classical world, 2005 edn, s.v. 'Minerva'.

Long entry

13. 'Achilles', Britannica Concise Encyclopaedia, Encyclopaedia Britannica, Chicago, 2006, p. 11.


Short entry

The Oxford dictionary of the classical world, 2005 edn, s.v. 'Minerva'.

Long entry

'Achilles', Britannica Concise Encyclopaedia, Encyclopaedia Britannica, Chicago, 2006.


  • Rules for citing reference works vary greatly. If in doubt, check with your lecturer.
  • Well-known reference works such as encyclopedias and dictionaries are often only cited in the notes and do no appear in bibliographies. Publication details are often omitted, with only a brief citation given.
  • References to an alphabetically arranged work i.e. an entry in a dictionary should cite the item preceded by s.v. (For the Latin sub verbo, 'under the word'). See the short entry example (above).
  • If you consider it appropriate to list your reference works with the full publication details use the long entry example (above).

Multiple authors


6. P Grimshaw, M Lake, A McGrath and M Quartly, Creating a Nation, McPhee Gribble, Ringwood, 1994, p. 300.


Grimshaw P, M Lake, A McGrath and M Quartly, Creating a Nation, McPhee Gribble, Ringwood, 1994.

Multiple authors


6. R Broome, Aboriginal Australians: a history since 1788, 4th edn, Allen & Unwin, Crows Nest, NSW, 2010, p. 34.

11. R Broome, Aboriginal Victorians: a history since 1800, Allen & Unwin, Crows Nest, NSW, 2005, p. 45.


Broome, R, Aboriginal Victorians: a history since 1800, Allen & Unwin, Crows Nest, NSW, 2005.

--- Aboriginal Australians: a history since 1788, 4th edn, Allen & Unwin, Crows Nest, NSW, 2010.


  • In the bibliography arrange works by the same author, first by the author's name and then by the year of publication with the earliest year first.     

Multiple works published in the same year by the same author


13. P Roth, Novels & other narratives, 1986-1991, Library of America, New York, 2008, p. 134.

14. P Roth, Indignation, Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston, 2008., p. 48.


Roth, P, Indignation, Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston, 2008.

Roth, P, Novels & other narratives, 1986-1991, Library of America, New York, 2008.

No author


8. ALS networking essentials plus, Microsoft Press, Redmond, Wash., 2001, p. 21.


ALS networking essentials plus, Microsoft Press, Redmond, Wash., 2001.


  • If the book has no known author (i.e. if it is anonymous) list the book alphabetically by its title in the bibliography.

Single author


3 EP Sarafino, Health psychology: biopsychosocial interactions. 6th edn, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ, 2008, pp. 101-102.

4. DR Snow, Archaeology of native North America, Prentice Hall, Boston, 2010, p. 67.


Sarafino, EP, Health psychology: biopsychosocial interactions. 6th edn, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ, 2008.

Translated work


M Heidegger Country path conversations, trans. BW Davis, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, 2010, p. 36.


Heidegger, M, Country path conversations, trans. BW Davis, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, 2010.