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Digital Skills for Careers: Home

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Digital Skills for your Future Career

The Future of Jobs Report 2023 by the World Economic Forum indicates a rapidly transforming job market influenced by technological advancements, with a substantial impact on skills and career outcomes. Here's a summary focusing on the link between digital skills and future career prospects:

Tech-Driven Transformations: The report highlights the pervasive impact of technology on various job roles, irrespective of industry or location. New technology adoption and digitalisation are recognised as key drivers of business and job transformation.

Skill Disruption: Approximately 44% of workers will see disruptions in their skills within the next five years. Cognitive problem-solving, analytical thinking, and technology literacy are identified as critical skills for adapting to the changing work landscape.

Generative AI: The report discusses the role of generative AI in transforming job profiles. While automation of physical and manual work remains steady, there's an increasing prediction that tasks involving coordination, decision-making, reasoning, and communication are becoming more automatable due to the rapid adoption of generative AI.

Emerging Digital Skills: AI and Big Data skills are emerging as crucial in the job market. While they currently rank lower, these skills are expected to become top priorities for organisations in their training strategies until 2027. AI is seen as a transformative technology that will permeate all aspects of society.

In-Demand Skills: Employers are increasingly seeking skills related to cognitive abilities, analytical thinking, creativity, leadership, social influence, and the effective use of technology, especially Big Data.

Upskilling and Reskilling: The rapid pace of change in job requirements necessitates upskilling and reskilling. Organisations, governments, and educational institutions play a crucial role in providing workers with the necessary training to adapt to evolving job demands.

Assess your Digital Employability Skills

The Recognising Digital Skills for Employability assessment helps you build a picture of your digital skills specifically as they relate to your future career. By completing these questions you'll be encouraged to reflect on your confidence across a range of digital employability skills that could help you thrive in the world of work. At the end you will receive a personal report focusing on 8 areas of digital capability that will help you to identify your strengths as well as opportunities for further development.

Take the Recognising Digital Skills for Employability self assessment (external link)

Transferable skills of the future (and how to develop them)

Tip: Each of these sections contains links to learning content, courses and other information from UOW and LinkedIn Learning

In the digital future of work, data analytics is becoming a fundamental skill demanded in most job roles. For instance, in social work, data analytics enables professionals to better understand and address the needs of vulnerable populations by analysing demographic data, tracking service effectiveness, and improving intervention strategies. In environmental programs, data analytics plays a pivotal role in monitoring and mitigating climate change, assessing environmental impact, and designing sustainable solutions.


With its broad applicability, data analytics is poised to be an essential skill for professionals across various sectors, ensuring that they can harness data-driven insights to excel in their respective fields.

Learning Data Analytics: 1 Foundation (LinkedIn Learning - Certificates available)

In the evolving landscape of the future world of work, a baseline understanding of coding is becoming increasingly essential across diverse professions. For example, in online educational material design, coding proficiency enables creators to build interactive and engaging learning platforms, fostering innovation and adaptability in the digital education realm. Similarly, in the field of medicine, professionals tasked with analysing complex research data can leverage coding to develop advanced algorithms and software tools for data interpretation, accelerating breakthroughs in healthcare. The ability to code is emerging as a universal skill, empowering individuals to excel in their roles, adapt to technological advancements, and contribute to the transformative potential of coding in various industries

Programming Foundations: Fundamentals (LinkedIn Learning - Certificates available)

In the future, website design and basic knowledge of HTML are poised to become valuable skills across diverse professions. As a budding entrepreneur, having the ability to create and maintain a professional website can significantly enhance one's online presence, brand visibility, and customer engagement. This skill allows entrepreneurs to effectively showcase their products or services, foster customer trust, and drive business growth in the digital marketplace. Additionally, even in fields seemingly unrelated to technology, such as physiotherapy, a basic understanding of HTML can enable physiotherapists to create informative and accessible websites to connect with clients, share valuable health resources, and build an online patient community.

In this digital age, website design and HTML knowledge are becoming essential tools for professionals to establish their online identity, reach wider audiences, and remain competitive in their respective industries.

Introduction to Website Design and Development (LinkedIn Learning - Certificates available)

A foundational knowledge of office suite programs is increasingly important for professionals across various fields. For instance, individuals working in government policy rely on these tools for drafting, analysing, and presenting legislative proposals, policy documents, and reports. Similarly, in engineering, proficiency in office suite applications is valuable for project management, data analysis, and report creation. Engineers use these tools to collaborate efficiently, analyse complex data sets, and communicate technical information effectively.

Overall, a strong foundation in office suite programs empowers professionals to optimise workflow, enhance productivity, and ensure effective communication, making it a valuable skill across a wide range of fields.

Excel Essential Training (LinkedIn Learning - Certificates available)

Word Essential Training (LinkedIn Learning - Certificates available)

PowerPoint Essential Training (LinkedIn Learning - Certificates available)

Foundational knowledge of AI and machine learning is rapidly becoming a key skill in the future of work, spanning across various professions. For individuals practicing law, in the near future understanding and knowing how to utilise AI and machine learning will soon be an essential skill for legal research, contract analysis, and predicting case outcomes. These technologies empower lawyers to efficiently process vast amounts of legal data, improve decision-making, and provide more informed counsel. Likewise, for business consultants, proficiency in AI and machine learning will soon be the primary driver by which organisations correlate data-driven insights, trend analysis, and client recommendations. Consultants can harness these tools to enhance business strategies, optimise operations, and remain competitive in a data-centric marketplace.

In an increasingly AI-driven world, this knowledge equips professionals to adapt, innovate, and excel in their respective fields, making it an essential skill in the future of work.

Artificial Intelligence Foundations: Machine Learning (LinkedIn Learning - Certificates available)

Chat GPT prompts for jobseekers (LinkedIn Learning - Certificates available)

Foundational knowledge of using online project management programs such as Trello, Miro, Slack and Microsoft Project/Teams is becoming a pivotal skill in the evolving landscape of the future workforce, transcending various professions. For instance, in healthcare, these tools are indispensable for efficiently managing patient care, appointment scheduling, and medical records. Medical professionals can optimise workflows, enhance patient experiences, and ensure data security through streamlined processes. Similarly, using the role as a role architect as an example, proficiency in online project management platforms is invaluable for architectural project planning, resource allocation, and construction project coordination. Architects (or anyone developing and delivering projects/programs) can harness these tools to improve project timelines, allocate resources effectively, and enhance collaboration among project stakeholders.


As the modern work environment increasingly relies on digital project management, this knowledge equips professionals across a wide range of industries, to adapt, boost productivity, and excel in their respective roles.

Slack Essential Training (LinkedIn Learning - Certificates available)

Trello Essential Training (LinkedIn Learning - Certificates available)

Learning Microsoft Project (LinkedIn Learning - Certificates available)

Miro for UX: Brainstorming and Collaboration(LinkedIn Learning - Certificates available)

Proficiency in creating engaging presentations using programs like Canva is a vital skill that extends to various professions in the evolving landscape of the future workforce. For dietitians, the ability to craft visually compelling materials is invaluable for educating clients on healthy nutrition choices, meal planning, and dietary recommendations. These engaging presentations not only enhance the client's understanding of nutritional guidelines but also motivate them to make healthier food choices. In the field of fashion design, professionals can utilize such tools to create visually stunning presentations of their design concepts, helping to convey their creative vision and secure support for new fashion lines.

In today's digital age, the skill of designing captivating presentations is an essential tool for professionals across different domains to effectively communicate, engage, and excel in their respective roles.

Canva Essential Training (LinkedIn Learning - Certificates available)

Understanding different workplace methodologies such as Agile, Lean, Six Sigma, and Waterfall is increasingly important in various industries, offering a set of versatile tools for professionals in the evolving landscape of the future workforce. In software development, Agile methodologies enable teams to adapt to changing requirements, deliver working software faster, and improve collaboration. In manufacturing, Lean principles focus on efficiency, reducing waste, and enhancing productivity, making it an essential approach for operational excellence. Six Sigma's data-driven approach finds applications in sectors like healthcare, aiming for process improvement and reducing defects. Waterfall, known for its structured phases, is crucial in industries with strict regulatory requirements like aerospace or defence contracting, ensuring precision and documentation.

In an era characterized by flexibility and innovation, professionals across different domains benefit from a comprehensive understanding of these methodologies. These methodologies offer adaptable strategies for project management, process improvement, and product development, enabling individuals to tailor their approach to specific industry demands. Whether working in technology, manufacturing, healthcare, or any other field, the knowledge of these methodologies equips professionals with the tools to improve efficiency, quality, and collaboration, making it a valuable skill across diverse industries.

Agile Foundations (LinkedIn Learning - Certificates available)

Six Sigma Foundations (LinkedIn Learning - Certificates available)

Lean Foundations (LinkedIn Learning - Certificates available)

Lean Foundations (LinkedIn Learning - Certificates available)

Comparing Agile versus Waterfall Project Management (LinkedIn Learning - Certificates available)

Understanding design thinking is increasingly important in various industries, offering a versatile approach for professionals in the evolving landscape of the future workforce. In product design, design thinking methodologies focus on empathizing with end-users, defining problems, and ideating innovative solutions. In healthcare, it plays a pivotal role in improving patient experiences, developing new medical technologies, and creating patient-centred care processes. For marketing professionals, design thinking enhances creativity, customer engagement, and the development of user-centred campaigns. In education, it fosters student-centred approaches, innovative teaching methods, and curriculum design that aligns with learners' needs and preferences.

As we move further into a digital and online world, understanding concepts such as user-centricity and innovation will become increasingly of value, professionals across different domains will benefit from a more comprehensive understanding of these concepts through learning the foundations of design thinking. This methodology offers adaptable strategies for problem-solving, innovation, and creativity, enabling individuals to approach their work with a more human-centered perspective. Whether working in product development, healthcare, marketing, education, or any other field, knowledge of design thinking equips professionals with the tools to enhance user experiences, inspire creativity, and drive innovation, making it a valuable skill across diverse industries in a digital landscape.

Learning Design Thinking: Lead Change in Your Organisation (LinkedIn Learning - Certificates available)

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