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Finding historical information

Identifying historical evidence

What you can learn from this page:

  • The types of sources you find most useful (e.g. newspapers, biographies, etc.) will depend on your research topic
  • Using particular types of historical sources in your assessment (e.g. words, images and sounds)

Where to look for specific types of primary sources

When you want to research a topic from the past, it's important to have some understanding of the type of information you might expect to find in historical records.

To find out...

Look for...

What happened when and where?

Who was involved or affected?

  • Authoritative historical overviews
  • Historical subject dictionaries and encyclopedias

Why were people, organisations, events, issues or movements significant?

  • Textbooks and handbooks
  • Documentary history and source books
  • Journal and magazine articles

What did people, places or movements look like or sound like?

  • Photographs, illustrations, cartoons
  • Historical maps and atlases
  • Newsreel footage
  • Music scores and lyrics

What were people or organisations saying about events, experiences and attitudes?

  • News and popular press articles and interviews
  • Biographies, oral histories, letters
  • Publications of specific professions and occupations

What was the government officially saying or doing?

  • Government announcements, debates, reports

How many were involved in, produced or affected by events, movements or issues?

  • Statistical yearbooks and reports

Keeping track of your sources

Annotated lists are a great way to keep track of your research findings. Annotating (tagging) your search results with useful notes will help you to sort and identify important information and save you time when you start writing.

Many library catalogues and databases let you create your own (free) login so you can save lists and tag your search results (sometimes called 'favourites').

Analysing and evaluating your sources

When you're working with historical sources it's important to know:

  • who created or curated them at the time (their provenance and authority)
  • why they were saying what they said (their historical viewpoint and potential bias)

Finding historical information offline

You'll quickly find that not all historical information is available, or easily found, online.

Some historical topics are more in-demand than others due to popular interest (like our Harbour Bridge example below). These popular topics have a greater range of digitised material.

You may find more extensive information exists in print (hardcopy), so it’s a good idea to ask the Library!

Activity & self-assessment

Where and how will you look for firsthand accounts and other contemporary information from the historical era relating to your topic? You may like to practice your skills with our tutorial below.