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Open access publishing agreements

What are Read & Publish agreements?

A Read & Publish (R&P) agreement combines the journal subscription access (reading) and the open access (OA) article processing charges or APCs (publishing) into one agreement.

UOW Library participates in R&P agreements with selected publishers, through the Council of Australian University Librarians (CAUL) consortium. These agreements allow UOW staff and students to both access the subscription content for research, and publish eligible articles open access in the included journals at no cost to the researcher.


Library support

The Read & Publish agreements can be confusing. Contact the Research & Engagement team ( to discuss the agreements with a librarian.


How do the agreements factor into selecting a journal?

The Read & Publish agreements can be used as an additional tool for assessing journals that you have identified as relevant to your research area:

Image created by UOW Library and shared under CC BY-SA licence.

  1. Identify relevant journals in your research area
  2. Assess the quality and suitability of the identified journals
  3. Check Current R&P agreements for journal and article eligibility in the identified journals
  4. Select your preferred journal
  5. Submit your article, utilising an agreement if eligible


How do the agreements work?

When your article is accepted by an eligible journal, you will be given the option to publish your article open access without paying an APC.

Eligibility for publishing under one of UOW’s Read & Publish agreements is usually established when the corresponding author uses their UOW email and University of Wollongong institutional affiliation during the article submission process. Staff and students from UOW international campuses are also eligible if they use their or email address.
Note: do not use a personal email address during the article submission process. Using a personal email address can affect your eligibility to publish under the agreements.

Exclusions and national publishing caps apply under some of the agreements. Some journals have additional charges which aren't covered by the agreements, such as journal submission fees and page or colour charges. Authors will need to have alternative funding to cover these charges where they apply.

For full details on eligibility, caps and additional charges for specific agreements, or to confirm whether a journal you have selected is included in an agreement, refer to Current R&P agreements

Which journals and article types are included?

UOW Library has agreements with 14 publishers, and selected journals from each publisher are included in the agreements. To find out which journals are included, check the Full title list link under the relevant publisher in Current Read & Publish agreements.

Most agreements cover APCs for research articles and review articles. However, if you're publishing a different type of article (e.g. an editorial or case report) eligible article types vary between publishers. To find out which article types are included for each publisher, check the Eligible articles section under the relevant publisher in Current Read & Publish agreements.

Exclusions and national publishing caps apply under some of the agreements. Some journals have additional charges which aren't covered by the agreements, such as page or colour charges. Authors will need to have alternative funding to cover these charges where they apply.


What are capped agreements?

Some of the Read & Publish agreements include a defined number of articles that can be published open access without paying an APC under the agreement in each calendar year. These are called capped agreements. The number of articles included in capped agreements varies by publisher.

Article caps are not limited to UOW authors, they are applied across all participating institutions.

Once a cap has been reached, APCs will apply for articles accepted to those journals for the remainder of the calendar year. The capped agreements will reset on 1 January the following year.

When APCs are applied after the cap is reached, publishers may offer discounts for journals that are eligible under the agreement. For full details, status of caps and subsequent APC discounts, refer to the specific agreement in Current R&P agreements

If there are grant requirements or another reason why your article must be published open access, ensure you have a plan to fund an APC if needed.


What licensing options are available?

The Read & Publish agreements allow UOW authors to publish their work open access under a Creative Commons (CC) licence. The least restrictive licence is CC BY and most journals have options to select or request more restrictive licences, such as CC BY-NC or CC BY-NC-ND.

For more information on CC licences, refer to Creative Commons licences for journal articles.

For the CC licence options available under specific agreements, refer to Current R&P agreements.


What if the journal isn’t part of an agreement?

If you’re submitting your paper to a journal that isn’t part of an R&P agreement, you can:

  • Negotiate the rights to share the author-accepted manuscript to a repository, e.g. Research Online.
    This is called repository-based or green OA. Some publishers require an embargo period for repository-based OA, which may impact your ability to meet grant or funding requirements.
  • Apply through the UOW Internal Research Grant Program for the Open Access High Impact Grant Scheme 2024(OA-HI) to cover up to $5000 of the APC. Further details are available on the Researcher Toolkit (UOW staff intranet). 
  • Pay the APC to make your work open access in a hybrid or fully open journal.
    If there are grant requirements or another reason why your article must be open access upon publication, ensure you have a plan to fund an APC if needed.



  • APC: article processing charge
  • CAUL: Council of Australian University Librarians
  • CC: Creative Commons
  • Green OA: repository-based OA, where the article is published behind a paywall in a subscription journal and the author accepted manuscript is shared in a repository
  • Gold: a fully OA journal that charges an APC to publish an article
  • Hybrid: a journal that charges an APC to publish an article OA in an otherwise subscription journal, i.e., a mix of OA and paywalled content
  • OA: open access
  • R&P: Read & Publish
  • S2O: Subscribe to Open