ASTM Compass: ASTM Standards and Digital Library Produced by the American Society for Testing & Materials (ASTM International), ASTM Compass provides access to all the ASTM contents plus robust tools that help finding and using standards more effectively with upgraded functionalities like ‘Compare Versions’ of standards.
From one convenient platform, you can access any or all of ASTM's 13,000+
standards, the ASTM Digital Library that contains 50,000+
journal articles, 29,000+
research reports & Special Technical Publications, 1,500+
books, monographs, manuals, & data series.
To start your search, check "
My Subscription" radio button then enter keywords, title, or standards designation. You can also register for a personal “Compass Account” with your UOW email address to save documents as Favourites or to share documents with other Compass users.
Please note: Full-text may not be available for all historical versions of the ASTM Standards. The latest version of a document is available download or view online.
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