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Getting started with standards

Standards are made up of specifications, procedures and guidelines that aim to ensure products, services and systems are safe, consistent and reliable.

Many organisations issue standards, including trade associations and government departments. 

Standards are identifiable by a unique document code which usually includes a prefix (the prefix often identifies the country and publisher), and a number and publication year (e.g. AS 1816.1-2007).

Standards are "living" documents — up to 15% of them change every year. This is why standards might have current, draft and withdrawn versions.

Prefix Stands for Database
AS Australian Standards

SAI Global i2i - Standards Australia

ISO International Standards (including British Standards)
ANSI American National Standards Institute
ASTM American Society for Testing & Materials ASTM Standards
IEEE Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers

IEEE Xplore

SMPTE Society of Motion Picture & Television Engineers
SMWW Standard Methods for the Examination of Water & Wastewater Standard Methods
NCC National Construction Code National Construction Code website
BCA Building Code of Australia
PCA Plumbing Code of Australia
AASB Australian Accounting Standards Board Australian Accounting Standards Board website