Structure of legislation
These are the main parts found in an Act.
Federal Register of Legislation
This is an example of a database record for an Act located in the Federal Register of Legislation.
Short title
Acts are referred to by short and long titles. The short title for this Act is: “Migration Act 1958”.
Consolidation in force
Consolidation in force is the current Act. A consolidated Act is the Principal Act including any amendments that have occurred since it was originally passed. TIP: Always check currency as upcoming amendments or Bills can affect the area of law you are researching.
Long title
The long title for this Act is: “An Act relating to the entry into, and presence in, Australia of aliens, and the departure or deportation from Australia of aliens and certain other persons.”
Act title, number and year
Act title, number, and year. For example: Migration Act 1958, No. 62, 1958.
The compilation date is the date from which the text of the law shown in the compilation applies.
The compilation number is a version number for the compilation and is based on how many compilations have already been published of that title.