EndNote is a reference management software package available for download for all students and staff enrolled at UOW.
Download and install EndNote then follow these steps to add the AGLC3 style.
To use the AGLC3 style with EndNote you'll need to download two extra files:
, then Save As
.Style name:
to AGLC3 and select Save
.Save Link As...
to download the AGLC3 Reference Types Table (RefTypeTableAGLC3.xml, 54.4 kB).Edit
> Preferences
> Reference Types
(Mac: EndNote X9
> Preferences
> Reference Types
then navigate to, and select RefTypeTableAGLC3.xml.Open
, then OK
(Mac: Open
, then Save
).The AGLC3 reference style has now been added to EndNote.
Watch this video to learn how to set up labels for your references so your bibliography will automatically be divided into sections according to AGLC3.
Setting up the AGLC referencing style in EndNote is a 3 step process. This tutorial will show you how to set up Labels for your references, so that your bibliography will automatically be divided into sections according to the AGLC referencing style.
In EndNote, click on Tools, then Define Term Lists. In the Term Lists pop up box, from the Lists tab click on Create List. Type Label into the ‘New Term List Name’ field, and then click OK. Click on Link Lists. Scroll down to the Label field. Click on the drop down arrow and change none to Label. Click OK
Click the Terms tab. You have to create 5 terms.
To label your references scroll down and click in the Label field. Use the Shortcut Ctrl 1 for PC or Command 1 for Mac, and then double click on the Label required. Closing your reference will save the change.
Labelling your references means that the bibliography in your Word document will be automatically divided into sections with each section sorted alphabetically. EndNote doesn’t add the headings A Articles/Books/Reports etc. Just add these yourself manually.
You have now set up the AGLC3 referencing style in EndNote.
View the video ‘Key tips for using AGLC3 in EndNote’ to help learn the basics.
If you need further assistance please contact the Library.
Instructions on how to use EndNote are available in the EndNote Workbook located on the Introduction tab of the EndNote Guide. This tutorial will show you the basics on using EndNote with the AGLC3 referencing style for Law.
To add citations to a footnote in a Word document, place the cursor where you want the footnote. Click on the References Tab at the top of your Word document, and then click on Insert Footnote. Place the cursor in the footnote. Click on the EndNote X8 tab at the top of your Word document. Click on the drop down arrow next to Insert Citation. Click on Insert Citation. Search for a reference by typing in a keyword or author’s name. Select a reference, and then click on Insert. The reference has now been inserted into the footnote and added the reference to your bibliography at the end of the document.
To add a pinpoint to the reference click on the citation in the footnote to highlight it. Highlight the citation you wish to add a pinpoint to. Type the pinpoint into the Pages field. Click OK. The pinpoint has now been added to the citation.
Non-consecutive repeated citations sometimes require an “above n” reference. To do this, insert the footnote as usual using Word. A non-consecutive footnote will appear with authors name followed by ‘above n’ and you need to include the footnote number of the original instance of the citation. To add this number, click in the space after the footnote citation as you don’t want the citation highlighted, select the References tab, click on Cross-Reference.
Click on the dropdown arrow for Reference type and select Footnote. Remove all ticks from boxes. Select the footnote you wish to cross-reference to, and then click on Insert. Manually add a full stop after the number or a comma and a pinpoint. More detailed information about inserting pinpoints and cross-referencing footnotes is available from the Law Tab on the EndNote Guide under EndNote law tips.
For most Law databases you will need to manually enter your references into EndNote. However, HeinOnline and AGIS Plus Text support exporting references from the databases directly into EndNote. You must have the EndNote program open when exporting.
Let’s begin with a list of search results in HeinOnline.
The references have now been exported into your EndNote Library.
How to export results into EndNote from AGIS Plus text.
The references have now been exported into your EndNote Library.
If you need further assistance please contact the Library.
On the lands that we study, we walk, and we live, we acknowledge and respect the traditional custodians and cultural knowledge holders of these lands.