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Elements & UOW Scholars

Getting started with Elements & UOW Scholars

What is Elements?

Elements is where you manage and update all aspects of your UOW Scholars profile. You can add, delete, edit, and hide information in Elements, and this will be reflected on your UOW Scholars profile in real time.

Benefits for researchers

  • Manage and keep track of your research outputs for use in grant or promotion applications
  • Uses identifiers to automatically claim your research outputs from  Scopus, Web of Science and ORCiD
  • Authorise Elements to automatically send your research outputs to ORCiD, keeping it up to date
  • Ability to edit your UOW academic profile in one place.

Who has access to Elements?

  • All continuing, fixed term and contract UOW academic staff, including Dubai and offshore campus employees
  • UOW HDR students.

If you can't log in to Elements, please contact the Elements team.

What is UOW Scholars?

UOW Scholars showcases the University of Wollongong’s collective research expertise and academic achievement. Your UOW Scholars profile allows the academic community, external collaborators, media and the general public to easily find you online and learn about your teaching and research at UOW.

Benefits for researchers

  • Discoverability of your expertise by search engines such as Google, Google Scholar and Trove
  • Showcase your expertise to the international academic community and potential collaborators
  • Promote your research and teaching all in one place
  • Real time updates.

Who has a UOW Scholars profile? 

  • All continuing, and fixed term and UOW academic staff
  • All other UOW staff (casual, sessional, professional or offshore campus staff) can request a profile by contacting the UOW Scholars team

Quick start guide to Elements & UOW Scholars

There are five actions in Elements (opens in a new tab) to update your UOW Scholars profile:

  1. Edit your profile in Elements to update About in UOW Scholars
  2. Edit, and add to, your Research outputs
  3. Edit, and add to, your Service & leadership positions
  4. Edit, and add to, your Teaching & supervision to showcase your expertise
  5. Edit, and add to, your Grants to showcase your funding success.

Note: changes made in Elements will be reflected in UOW Scholars immediately