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Finding information

How to find information for your assessments, and how to get the most out of your sources once you've found them.

Convert file formats with SensusAccess

UOW students and staff can use SensusAccess to convert files into a variety of alternative formats that are more accessible for you. For example, a JPEG file of scanned book pages can be converted into an accessible and readable PDF, or even an MP4 audio file.

See the steps below to use SensusAccess.

Convert files in four steps:

  1. Select your file/s and upload.
  2. Select a target format you wish to convert to.
  3. Specify details of your file conversion.
  4. Add your UOW student/staff email address where the converted file will be sent*, and submit the request. 
    *You should receive your file to your UOW student or staff inbox within a day of submitting.

Use this form to convert your files

Conditions of use

You can make an accessible copy if you own the copyright (eg, it's your own work), have permission from the copyright holder, if the copyright has expired, or if it's for someone with a print disability. If so you need to agree that: