For Signed by all parties (mulitlateral or bilateral treaties):
Treaties that are signed by all parties and are not opened for signature to others (often bilateral and trilateral treaties) should be cited as follows:
Where the date of conclusion and entry into force are the same, such treaties should be cited as follows:
Agreement between the Government of Australia and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Providing for the Reciprocal Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters, signed 23 August 1990, [1994] ATS 27 (entered into force 1 September 1994).
Agreement Relating to Co-operation on Antitrust Matters, Australia-United States of America, 1369 UNTS 43 (signed and entered into force 29 June 1982).
See Rule 8.3.2 for Treaties that are signed by all parties (mulitlateral or bilateral treaties)
See Rule 8.3.1 for Treaties that are Opened for Signature (Open Multilateral Treaties).
See Rule 8.3..3 for Treaties Not Yet in Force.
See Rule 8.4 for Treaty Series.
Details which must be included in the footnote are:
On the lands that we study, we walk, and we live, we acknowledge and respect the traditional custodians and cultural knowledge holders of these lands.