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Online sources | AGLC4

Document on a website - Internet materials


Author, 'Document Title', Web Page Title (Document Type, Full Date) Pinpoint <URL>.


Martin Clark, 'Koani v The Queen', Opinions on High (Blog Post, 18 October 2017) <> archived at <>.

'James Edelman', High Court of Australia (Web Page) <http:/'>.


See AGLC rule 7.15 in the Australian Guide to Legal Citation 4th Edition.

If you have obtained material from a website and it is not published in print elsewhere, then it is necessary to cite it in a way that enables the reader to access the material in the same way you did.

You should cite:

  • Author(s) - Should only be included if an author is indicated on the web page being cited. Is so, give the first name(s) and family name(s). If first name(s) not known, use initials. If more than three authors, list the first one and then put 'et al' (meaning 'and others').
  • Document title - Put in single inverted commas.
  • Website title  - Put in italics. Where the author and web page are identical, do not include the author.
  • Document type - Includes 'Blog Post', 'Forum Post', etc. Where the document type is not clear use 'Web Page'.
  • Date - Provide the full date of the most recent update of the relevant web page or, if this is not available, the date the document was created, if identifiable. AGLC does not require you to provide the date you accessed the relevant site.
  • Pinpoint reference - If you are able to give a pinpoint reference, do so. If the material accessed is a PDF document or similar (and so is a distinct document with its own pages), provide the relevant page number. If the material is simply a web page in HTML format or similar and has distinct paragraph or section numbers, then use square brackets [ ] to identify the relevant paragraph or section.
  • Uniform resource locator - Place the URL in pointy brackets < >. Use only the URL for the general website if this is sufficient to locate the source. Otherwise use the full URL.