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Online sources | Footnoting

Blog post


57. E Woodbury, Manga circulation in Japan', Ooburoshiki, weblog, 1 February 2010, <>, viewed 19 January 2010.


Woodbury, E, `Manga circulation in Japan', Ooburoshiki, weblog, 1 February 2010, <>, viewed 19 January 2010.

Blog post comment


60. F Magyar, `Re: The physics of global warming', weblog comment, 11 November 2010, <>, viewed 11 November 2010. 


Magyar, F, "Re: The physics of global warming", weblog comment, 11 November 2010, <>, viewed 11 November, 2010.    


  • Informal citation - blog entries can be cited informally in the main text rather than in a footnote i.e. `In a comment posted to The History Blog on October 25, 2010...'
  • If you use this style you do not need to include the blog entries and comments in your bibliography.
  • Formal citation - the examples listed above show the formal style for citing blogs and blog comments. Treat as a web site document and include: the author's name; the title of the post or blog, format (i.e. blog comment), date, the URL and the viewed date.
  • If there is no author's name listed, begin the reference with the website title.
  • If the author only provides a screen name or nickname on their post, use this as the author's name. e.g. MadScientist or CherryBomb.
  • If there is no date, include the abbreviation n.d. for no date.
  • Check the Style Notes section for additional information.

Document from a website


55. S Downes, Trujillo and Mexicans: a few words on racial stereotyping,, 2009, <>, viewed 3 March 2009. 


Downes, S, Trujillo and Mexicans: a few words on racial stereotyping,, 2009, <>, viewed 3 March 2009.



  • Author (or name of organisation responsible), Title of document (in italics), Name and place of the sponsor/publisher of the source (if available), Year (the date the site was last updated), URL, viewed Day Month Year.
  • If there is no author's name listed, begin the reference with the website title.
  • If there is no date, include the abbreviation n.d. for no date.

Social media


32. J Gillard, 'Parents & employers should be...', @JuliaGillard, Twitter, 15 October 2010,  <!/JuliaGillard/status/27419429970>, viewed 17 January 2011.


Gillard, J 'Parents & employers should be...', @JuliaGillard, Twitter, 15 October 2010,  <!/JuliaGillard/status/27419429970>, viewed 17 January 2011.


Cite as though you are citing a web publication.


  • Name/Twitter handle. 'Title or first few words of tweet or comment...', username, name of site, date posted, web address, viewed date.
  • Think carefully before including social network messages in your assignments. They might not be considered appropriate for scholarly work.



46. Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, New national laws to better protect kids in cars, Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, Melbourne, 2009, < about/news/nas/2009/nsl.htm>, viewed 9 July 2009.


Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, New national laws to better protect kids in cars, Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, Melbourne, 2009, < about/news/nas/2009/nsl.htm>, viewed 9 July 2009.



  • Author (or name of organisation responsible), Title (in italics), Name and place of the sponsor/publisher of the source (if available), Year (the date the site was last updated), URL, viewed Day Month Year.
  • If there is no author's name listed, begin the reference with the website title.
  • If there is no date, include the abbreviation n.d. for no date.