(Author, Year)
Author, (Year)
The Sunday Times (1915) suggests that Christmas time at Callan Park was a positive experience.
Hume (1980) considers inconsistencies in the Department of Education’s handling of disability issues.
(Author, Year, p. Page number)
Author, (Year, p. Page number)
The Sunday Times (1915, p.32) states “No pains had been spared by the staff of the institution”.
“Several factors had no doubt influenced their decision” (Hume, 1980, p. 13).
Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Title of material [Description of material]. Name of Collection (Call number, Box number, File name or number, etc.). Name of Repository, Location.
Frank , T. (1997, February 14). Letter to Bordie M. Kubota [Letter]. Rockefeller Archive Center (GEB series 1.3, Box 371, Folder 1287). Tarry town, NY.
Hume, J. (1980 April 7). The disabled teacher. Education: Journal of the N.S.W. Public School Teachers Federation (Nef 331.8809944 EDU). National Library of Australia, Canberra.
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