(Case name, Year)
Case name, (Year)
In the case of Mabo v. Queensland (no. 2) (1992) 175 CLR1, there are a number of statements read.
The case, Jones v. Sherlock (2009) NSWSC 246 showed that several inconsistences were present.
(Case name, Year, p./pp. Page number/s)
Case name, (Year, p./pp. Page number/s)
The judge in R v Ramage (2004) VSC508 stated that “the Court cannot allow unannounced evidence.”
“the land in the Murray Islands is not Crown land withing the meaning of that term” (Mabo v. Queensland, 1992).
Title of Case (year). Volume Law report series Starting page number, URL (if applicable)
Mabo v. Queensland (no. 2) (1992). 175 CLR1.
R v Ramage (2004). VSC 508.
On the lands that we study, we walk, and we live, we acknowledge and respect the traditional custodians and cultural knowledge holders of these lands.