(Author, Year)
Author (Year)
Student agency plays a significant role in a successful transition to university (Dearlove, 2018).
Venn (2006) investigates alpine plant populations across south-eastern Australia.
(Author, Year, p./pp. Page number/s)
Author (Year, p./pp. Page number/s)
“The transition of students into their first year of their undergraduate university studies is of great interest to higher education institutions” (Dearlove, 2018, p. i.).
Author, A. A. (year). Title of dissertation [Doctoral Thesis]. Name of Institution awarding the degree. URL (if available).
Dearlove, J. (2018). Transition to university: An interplay driven by student agency [Doctoral Thesis]. University of Wollongong. https://ro.uow.edu.au/theses1/501/
Venn, S. E. (2007). Plant recruitment across alpine summits in south-eastern Australia [Doctoral Thesis]. La Trobe University.
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