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APA7 Guide

Order of entries

  • Order entries alphabetically by the first listed author’s last name.
  • Single author entries by the same author appear in order of publication date (earlier before later).
  • Works without a date (n.d.) precede those with a date.
  • ‘Nothing’ precedes ‘something’ – that is, for example, ‘Smith’ precedes ‘Smithson’.
  • Entries that are in the process of being published (in press) follow dated publications.
  • Authors with the same last name and first names appear in birth order, with the older appearing first and indicated with Sr. and the younger appearing next and indicated by Jr.

For example:

Dearlove, J. (n.d.). Title of the article. Journal, vol(issue), Page number.

Dearlove, J. (2015). Title of the article. Journal, vol(issue), Page number.

Dearlove, J. (2019). Title of the article. Journal, vol(issue), Page number.

Dearlove, J. (in press). Title of the article. Journal, vol(issue), Page number.

Single author entries appear before multiple author entries.

For example:

A work by ‘Smith’ would be listed before a publication by ‘Smith & Brown’.

If a work as no identified author, use the work’s title in the author position (see example provided under the section Books, No author).

Use ‘Anonymous’ in author position only if indicated on the work.

For sources with more than 20 authors, list only the first 19, followed by ‘...’, and then the name of the final author.

For example:

Gibson, D. G., Glass, J. I., Lartigue, L., Noskov, V. N., Chuang, R., Algire, M. A., Benders, G. A., Montague, M. G., Ma, L., Moodie, M. M., Merryman, C., Vashee, S., Krishnakumar, R., Assad-Garcia, N., Andrews-Pfannkock, C., Denisova, E. A., Young, L., Qi, Z., Segall-Shapiro, T. H., … Venter, J. C. (2010). Creation of a bacterial cell controlled by a chemically synthesized genome. Science, 329(5987), 52-56.