(Artist’s last name, Year published)
Artist’s last name (Year published)
Picker and McClatchy’s (1995) Emmaline is a modern American opera.
The Mikado is an English comical opera (Gilbert & Sullivan, 1885/2012).
Composer Last Name, A. A. (Year). Title of work [Format]. Publisher.
Author, A. A. (Composer), & Author, B. B. (Lyricist). (Year). Title of work [Format]. Publisher. https://xxxx (Original work published Year)
Picker, T., & McClatchy, J. D. (1995). Emmeline: An opera in two acts [Study score]. Schott Music.
Gilbert, W. S., & Sullivan, A. (2012). The Mikado in full score (C. Simpson & E. H. Jones, Eds.) [Musical score]. Dover Publications. (Original work published 1885)
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