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APA7 Guide

In text citation

  • Often works are translated multiple times over a long period of time, which can substantially alter the meaning of the text. As a result it is important that you indicate when a work has been translated.
  • For in-text citations, the date of the original work is given first, and the date of the translation given second, for example: (Camus, 1942/2012).



            (Author, Year of Original/Year of Translation)


            Author (Year of Original/Year of Translation)

For example:

Camus begins his novel, The Outsider, by introducing the death of the protagonist’s mother (1942/2012 p. 3).

The Trial opens with the sudden and inexplicable arrest of the protagonist, Josef K. (Kafka, 1924/2010 p. 1).

Direct quote (page number/s must be included)


            (Author, Year of Original/Year of Translation, p./pp. Page number/s)


            Author (Year of Original/Year of Translation, p./pp. Page number/s)

For example:

The Outsider begins with the simple statement “my mother died today” (Camus, 1942/2012, p. 3).

“Somebody must have made a false accusation against Josef K., for he was arrested one morning without having done anything wrong” (Kafka, 1924/2010, p. 1)

Reference list


Author, A. A. (year). Title of the book (Translator first initial, last name, Trans.). Publisher. (Original work published Year). DOI or Web address – if available.

For example:

Camus, A. (2012). The Outsider (S. Smith, Trans.). Penguin Books Ltd. (Original work published 1942).

Kafka, F. (2010). The Trial (I. Parry, Trans.) Penguin Books Ltd. (Original work published 1924).