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APA7 Guide

In text citation

  • The author of the chapter is cited in the in-text citation.



            (Author, Year)


            Author (Year)

For example:

Fredricks and McCloskey (2012) point out that studies into emotional engagement in schools consider emotional engagement to be positive and negative reactions or identification with the school, for example, belonging, feeling valued and appreciated.

Tosh (2011) considers whether or not the study of masculinity as a unit of historical analysis is still academically relevant.

Direct quote (page number/s must be included)


            (Author, Year, p./pp. Page number/s)


            Author (Year, p./pp. Page number/s)

For example:

“Most current methods do not adequately capture the dynamic and interactive nature of engagement” (Fredricks & McCloskey, 2012, p. 779).

Despite this, Tosh (2011, p. 31) posits that “it is hard to identify in today’s scholarship anything which might be called the history of masculinity”.

Reference list

  • In the Reference List you should arrange the chapter authors' names by last name followed by first name initial, but the book editors' names should be arranged by first name initial followed by last name.
  • The name of the editor should be preceded by the word 'in'.
  • Enclose the abbreviation (Ed.) for Editor and (Eds.) for Editors after the last editor's name.
  • For a book with no editor, include the word 'in' before the book title.


Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (year). Title of chapter. In E. E. Editor (Ed.), Title of book (pp. x–xx). Publisher Name. OR http://xxxx

For example:

Chapter in an edited book with DOI:

Fredricks, J., & McCloskey, W. (2012). The measurement of student engagement: A comparative analysis of various methods and student self-report instruments. In S. L. Christenson, A. L. Reschly, & C. Wylie (Eds.), Handbook of research on student engagement (pp. 763 –782). Springer.

Chapter in an edited book without DOI:

Colley, H. (2010). Time in learning transitions through the lifecourse: A feminist perspective. In K. Ecclestone, G. Biesta, & M. Hughes (Eds.), Transitions and learning through the lifecourse (pp. 130 –146)Routledge.