(Author, Year)
Author, (Year)
In the podcast, Code Switch, Meraji and Demby (2016 – present) explore the effects of racism on different aspects of human life.
In the podcast episode, How the Bad Blood Started, Hannah-Jones (2019) explores the historical effect of racism on the American health care system.
(Author, Year)
Author, (Year)
Meraji and Demby (2016 – present) state “we are all part of the story”.
“Black Americans were denied access to doctors and hospitals for decades” (Hannah-Jones, 2019).
For Podcast:
Author, A. A. (Role/Contribution). (Year, Month Day). Title of work: Subtitle [Format]. https://xxxx
For Podcast Episode:
Author, A. A. (Role/Contribution). (Year, Month Day). Episode title (Episode number) [Format]. In Podcast series title. https://xxxx
Meraji, S. M., & Demby, G. (Hosts). (2016–present). Code switch [Audio podcast]. National Public Radio. https://www.npr.org/podcasts/510312/codeswitch
Hannah-Jones, N. (Host). (2019, September 13). How the bad blood started (No. 4) [Audio podcast episode]. In 1619. The New York Times. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-4-how-the-bad-blood-started/id1476928106?i=1000449718223
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