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APA7 Guide

In text citation

  • When citing two authors in a sentence separate their last names using the word ‘and’. However, when listing them inside brackets or in a reference (either as an in-text citation or in the reference list) you should separate their last names using the ampersand symbol – & – instead.



            (Author & Author, Year)


            Author and Author (Year)

For example:

Elliot and Mistry (2020) provide a brief overview of recent developments in achieving greater reproductive rights in Europe.

Batzell and Coffman (2020) investigate the rates of infanticide in Cook Country during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Direct quote


            (Author & Author, Year, p./pp. Page number/s)


            Author and Author (Year, p./pp. Page number/s)

For example:

“This special issue was conceptualised late in 2018 in the context of high-profile developments in reproductive rights” (Elliot & Mistry, 2020, p. 509).

Batzell and Coffman (2020, p. 581) claim that “reconstruction of capitalism transformed work within homes and firms, thereby mitigating the conditions that made infanticide common in the nineteenth century.

Reference list


Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (year). Title of article. Title of Journal, vol (issue), p–p.

For example:

Batzell, R., & Coffman, S. (2020). Infanticide and abandonment in the industrial metropolis: Gender, reproduction and capitalism in Chicago, 1870–1911. Gender & History, 32(3), 581–601.

Elliot, R., & Mistry, Z. (2020). Introduction: Gender and reproduction. Gender & History, 32(3), 509-522.