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APA7 Guide

In text citation

  • Include the year, month, and date (or as much date information obtainable) in the reference list.
  • Documents accessed from a website - e.g. PDFs - should be cited exactly the same as a website, unless they fall into a different referencing format, such as a government or industry report. In those cases you should cite the document according to those formats outlined in this guide.
  • Often websites have no listed author. In these cases, list the name of the website in place of the author. When the author and site name are the same, omit the site name from the reference list
  • Include a retrieval date for when you accessed the information.

Note: Unless expressly permitted to do so, you must not use work or text generated by an artificial intelligence (AI) tool. If you are permitted to use an AI tool for this purpose, you must include proper acknowledgement. Until formal guidelines are in place, please use the software and app referencing and citing conventions to acknowledge such us of an AI tool.



            (Author/s, Year)


            Author/s (Year)

For example:

During the latest census the Australian Bureau of Statistics (2021) was able to prevent any cyber or digital attacks on their collected data.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights asserts that every person has equal rights (United Nations, n.d.).

Direct quote


            (Author/s, Year)


            Author/s (Year)

For example:

“The ABS successfully kept people’s information safe, secure, and protected from cyber attacks” (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2021).

“All humans are born free and equal in dignity and rights” (United Nations, n.d.).

Reference list


Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (year, month day [as provided]). Title of the page. Site name [if different to the author]. Retrieved Month day, year, from https://xxxxx

For example:

Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2021). 2021 Census overview. Retrieved November 24, 2021, from

United Nations. (n.d.). Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Retrieved November 25, 2021, from