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APA7 Guide

In text citation

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(Author, Personal communication, Month Day, Year)


Author (Personal communication, Month Day, Year)


S. Alexander (personal communication, August 21, 2020) suggests that this perspective has three key weaknesses.

There are gaps in the evidence of this phenomenon (O. Baston, personal communication, October 11, 2017).

Direct quote
  • Page numbers are not applicable for personal communication


(Author, Personal communication, Month Day, Year)


Author (Personal communication, Month Day, Year)


S. Alexander (personal communication, August 21, 2020) states that “lack of consideration of intersectional differences, lack of openness to critique and limited practical application” are key issues of this perspective.

Evidence of this phenomenon relies too much on “easily manipulated photographs and ambiguous documentation” (O. Baston, personal communication, October 11, 2017).

Reference list

NOTE: Because personal communications are irretrievable, they are not included in the reference list.