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In text citation

  • Legislation should be referenced as if in print even if viewed electronically
  • If the name of the legislation begins with an article (e.g., a, an, the) do not omit the article in the citation
  • Most legislation has a short formal title that can be used for citation purposes. The first In-text citation to an Act or Ordinance should cite the short formal title, in italics, exactly and in full
  • In subsequent references the title can be shown in roman type (non-italicized) without the date


                        (Title of Act Year of publication)


                        (Title of Act Year of publication (jurisdiction abbreviation))

First In-text citation

In relation to action regarding unsuitable goods, s. 74B of the Trade Practices Act 1974 states implied warranties are present in terms of a responsibility of quality product produced by the producer

Subsequent In-text citation/s

According to the Trade Practices Act 1974, a lack of quality is grounds for a refund of payment

Example of an act beginning with an article:

The Commonwealth’s A New Tax System (Wine Equalisation Tax) Act 1999 makes provision for several possible scenarios.

Reference list


Title of Act Date of publication (both title and date are italicised) (jurisdiction abbreviation).


Trade Practices Act 1974 (Cth).

In above example Commonwealth is abbreviated to Cth

Foreign Affairs Act 2002 (NSW).