(1st Author’s last name & 2nd Author’s last name Year of publication)
(1st Author’s last name, 2nd Author’s last name & 3rd Author’s last name Year of publication)
The migrant experience is one that is experienced by many (Savage, Bagnall & Longhurst 2005).
According to Savage, Bagnall and Longhurst (2005), the migrant experience is one that is experienced by many.
(1st Author’s last name & 2nd Author’s last name Year of publication, p. Page number)
(1st Author’s last name, 2nd Author’s last name & 3rd Author’s last name Year of publication, p. Page number)
“The experience of immigration can be difficult" (Savage, Bagnall & Longhurst 2005, p. 28).
Savage, Bagnall and Longhurst (2005, p. 28) argue that “the experience of immigration can be difficult”.
2 Authors
1st Author’s last name, 1st Author’s initial/s & 2nd Author’s last name, 2nd Author’s initial/s Year of publication, Book title, Publisher, Location of publication.
1st Author’s last name, 1st Author’s initial/s & 2nd Author’s last name, 2nd Author’s initial/s Year of publication, Book title, Edition number edn, Publisher, Location of publication.
3 Authors
1st Author’s last name, 1st Author’s initial/s, 2nd Author’s last name, 2nd Author’s initial/s & 3rd Author’s last name, 3rd Author’s initial/s Year of publication, Book title, Edition number edn, Publisher, Location of publication.
King, S & Straub, P 1984, The Talisman, Viking, New York.
Pratchett, T & Gaiman, N 1990, Good omens, Gollancz, London.
King, AS & McLalland J 1984, Birds: their structure and function, 3rd edn, Bailliere Tindall, UK.
Savage, M, Bagnall, G & Longhurst, B 2005, Globalization and belonging, SAGE, London.
Newton, I, Green, RE & Sutherland WJ 2004, Bird ecology and conservation, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Siegelbaum, SA, Kandel, ER & Koester JD 2021, Principles of neural science, 6th edn, McGraw-Hill Education, US.
On the lands that we study, we walk, and we live, we acknowledge and respect the traditional custodians and cultural knowledge holders of these lands.