(Author’s last name Year published)
Kift and Moody (2009) observe that first year students require an induction to academic conventions to engage with assessment.
It has been observed that first year students require an induction to academic conventions to engage with assessment (Kift & Moody 2009).
(Author’s last name Year published, p. Page number)
“To engage productively with assessment tasks, consistency is key” (Kift & Moody 2009, p. 45).
“To engage productively with assessment tasks, consistency is key”, according to Kift and Moody (2009, p. 45).
Author’s last name, Author’s initial Year published, ‘Title of paper’, in Name of conference, Location of conference, Conference dates.
Wright, P 2002, ‘An evaluation of proposed defence techniques in contemporary courtrooms’ in Annual Japanese Defence Attorney Conference, Kyoto, Japan, 15-9 March.
If the conference paper is available online add the viewed date and URL after the place of publication. The name of the conference is put in italics.
Kift, S M, & Moody, KE 2009, ‘Harnessing assessment and feedback in the first year to support learning success, engagement and retention’, in ATN Assessment Conference 2009 Proceedings, RMIT University, Melbourne, 19 – 20 November, viewed 8 November 2010, <http://emedia.rmit.edu.au/conferences/index.php/ATNAC/ATNAC09/paper/viewFile/96/15>.
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