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In text citation



(Author’s last name Year of publication)

  • Generally, when paraphrasing you don’t need to include page numbers in an in-text citation unless you have been asked to do so. However, including page numbers can help the reader to find the information more easily.


Remittances were maintained at a high level regarding Polynesian nurses (Lee 2007).


Lee (2007) states that remittances were maintained at a high level regarding Polynesian nurses.

Direct quote


(Author’s last name Year of publication, p. number)

  • Include the quote within the paragraph and include the specific page number/s to indicate where the words you have quoted appear in the source.
  • Use double quotation marks to show the exact words of the original source.
  • If you are citing a page range, don’t repeat page numbers if they are within a close range, e.g., pages 41-49, should be written as pp. 41-9, or pages 322-328 should be written as pp. 322-8.


It was also observed that “people maintained networks of contact between some of the islands” (Lee 2007, p. 7).


Lee observed that “people maintained networks of contact between some of the islands” (2007, p. 7).

Reference list


Author’s last name, Author’s initials Year of publication, ‘Article title’, Journal name, vol. (volume number), no. (issue number), p./pp. (page number/range).

  • Author’s initials include the first letter of the author’s first name, and, if provided, the first letter of their middle name (e.g., Michael Smith = Smith, M or Michael John Smith = Smith, MJ).
  • The title of the article is inside single quote marks.
  • Capitalise all first letters of the main words in the Journal name (i.e., not ‘and’ ‘of’, ‘in’ etc.) and place the journal name in italics.
  • Volume number (‘vol.’), which refers to the years the journal has been in publication, can be found on the first page on an online article or on the cover of the journal.
  • If a journal has been published more than once in a particular year, it will also have an issue number (indicated by ‘no.’) which usually appears after the volume number. 
  • p./pp. refers to the specific page numbers of the journal at which the article is located.


Lee, H 2007, ‘Transforming transnationalism: second generation Tongans overseas’, Asian and Pacific Migration Journal, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 157-178.

Harvey, L 2015, ‘Defending native birds from introduced wrens’, Journal of Australian Aviaries, vol. 2, no. 5, p. 178.