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In text citation



                                    (Author last name Year published)


This video shows why you shouldn’t just use Google when researching for university assignments (LTULibrary 2010)

Direct quote


(Author last name Year published, start time of quote – end time of quote)


"Googling is great and everybody does it but not for university assignments" (LTULibrary 2010, 0:13:018)

Reference list


Author’s last name, Author’s Initial Year published, Video title, format, Publisher, Publication Location, viewed Day Month Year, <URL>.

Or if referencing from database (e.g., ClickView):

Author’s last name, Author’s Initial Year published, Video title, format, Publisher, Publication Location, viewed Day Month Year, <name of data base>.   


LTULibrary 2010, Why can’t I just Google?, online video, 9 February, La Trobe University, viewed 20 January 2011, <>.

CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation) 2009, Making a difference, online video, 25 May, CSIRO, Viewed December 9, 2010, <>.