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UOW Harvard

In text citation

  • Whilst course material can be considered reliable, it is not peer-reviewed and as such the cited references in the course materials should be used when available.



(Author Year published)


                             Kinship is a centre of all communications (Lee 2010)

Direct quote


(Author Year published, Page number)

        • Note: list the page number if they are provided. You can consider the slide number in a Powerpoint presentation to be the same as the page number.


"Socialisation into roles is a major impetus behind inequality" (Wallace 2010)

Reference list

  • State the type of of course material after the title of the lecture
  • You can use the subject code or the subject name
  • Course material is unpublished, so the title is enclosed in single quotes not italics


Author’s last name, Author’s Initial’s Year published, ‘Title of Material’ Material Format, Subject Code, Institution Name, viewed Day Month Year.


Wallace, P 2010, ‘Gender & sexuality’ PowerPoint slides, SOC1SAC, La Trobe University, viewed 19 January 2011.

Lee, H 2010, ‘Charting Kinship’, lecture, ANT2KAM, La Trobe University, delivered 5 August.