(Author Year published)
Kinship is a centre of all communications (Lee 2010)
(Author Year published, Page number)
Note: list the page number if they are provided. You can consider the slide number in a Powerpoint presentation to be the same as the page number.
"Socialisation into roles is a major impetus behind inequality" (Wallace 2010)
Author’s last name, Author’s Initial’s Year published, ‘Title of Material’ Material Format, Subject Code, Institution Name, viewed Day Month Year.
Wallace, P 2010, ‘Gender & sexuality’ PowerPoint slides, SOC1SAC, La Trobe University, viewed 19 January 2011.
Lee, H 2010, ‘Charting Kinship’, lecture, ANT2KAM, La Trobe University, delivered 5 August.
On the lands that we study, we walk, and we live, we acknowledge and respect the traditional custodians and cultural knowledge holders of these lands.