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In text citation

  • Usually, a company report will have a corporate author (i.e., a company or organisation is named as the author) so when this is the case use the name of the company as the author in both the in-text citation and the reference list entry.
  • If a person is named as the author of the company or industry report, use the author’s name in both the in-text citation and the reference list entry.



                                    (Author/Company name Year of publication)


AGL (2019) argues that the trust of stakeholders is central to their progress.

Aravanis (2019) points out the market restrictions that regulation causes in the energy industry.

Direct quote


(Author/Company name Year of publication, p. number)


"We recognise that, in the short term, progress means building trust with all stakeholders” (AGL 2019, p. 2).

“Regulation prevents firms from both retailing and distributing gas” (Aravanis 2019).

Reference list


Author or organisation Year of publication, Document title, viewed day month year, DOI number or <URL>.


Author or organisation Year of publication, Document title, viewed day month year, retrieved from database.

  • A DOI, or Digital Object Identifier, is a string of numbers, letters and symbols that uniquely identify an article or document and provide it with a permanent web address or URL.


AGL 2019, AGL 2019 annual report, viewed 23 August 2019, <>.

Aravanis, J 2019, IBISWorld industry report D2700 gas supply in Australia, viewed 23 August 2019, retrieved from IBISWorld database.

Department of Primary Industries 2020, NSW Primary Industries performance sata & insights 2020, viewed 16 November 2021, <>.