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In text citation

  • It is common when referencing government publications to have the same group author and publisher
  • If a committee has prepared the report for a government department or agency use the committee’s name as the author, and the government department as the publisher



(Name of government organisation Publication year)


Nuclear material is a key focus of interest for future energy production (International Atomic Energy Agency 2005)

Direct quote


(Name of government organisation Publication year, p. Page number)


According to the International Atomic Energy Agency “unauthorised movements of nuclear material" is illegal with severe consequences (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade 2005, p. 12)

Long group author name

If the group author name is long and cited frequently abbreviate the name in the in-text citation e.g. The international community has had success in encouraging countries to renounce nuclear weapons (DFAT 2010, p. 14)

Reference list

  • In the reference list put in entries for both the full group author name and the abbreviated name.


“Name of government organisation Year of publication, Title of publications, Publisher, Place of Publication, viewed Date Month Year, <URL>.


Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade 2005, Weapons of mass destruction Australia’s role in fighting proliferation: practical responses to new challenges, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade 2021, Budget 2021-22­, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra.

DFAT - see Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.