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In text citation

  • Use the authorising body/publisher as the author OR use the title of the pamphlet/leaflet if there is no author
  • Use the title of the pamphlet in-text if there is no author
  • Use n.d. for no date
  • Use c. if you can approximately date the document e.g., c. 1985



(Author’s last name/ Organisation name Year published)


In the leaflet distributed by the New State for North Queensland Movement (n.d.) it is evident that a notable number of Australian citizens want a new state in Northern Queensland.

Direct quote


(Author’s last name/ Organisation name Year published)


"A new Northern Queensland state is ideal for the people and Australia for a number of reasons" (New State for North Queensland Movement n.d.)

Reference list

  • Use the word “pamphlet” after the title


Author’s last name, Author’s Initial/ Organisation name Year of publication, Title of Pamphlet, format, Publisher, Publisher Location.


New State for North Queensland Movement n.d., A New State for North Queensland : why ? how ? when?, pamphlet, New State for North Queensland Movement, Townsville.

Guide Dogs 2021, Our newest Therapy Dog heroes, pamphlet, Sydney, NSW.