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In text citation

  • Parliamentary debates are referenced using the Jurisdiction (e.g., Australia or New South Wales) followed by the Chamber (e.g., House of Representatives or Senate for Commonwealth, and Legislative Assembly or Legislative Council for NSW)
  • The title Debates is always in italics



(Government location, Name of government organisation Publication year)


Thwaites outlined the Government’s plan for safe injecting facilities in the Second Reading Speech (Victoria, Legislative Assembly 2000)

The Prime Minister Mr Howard (Australia, House of Representatives 2006) outlined his defence for the government’s failure

Direct quote


(Government location, Name of government organisation Publication year, p. number)


The then Minister for Health, John Thwaites (Victoria, Legislative Assembly 2000, p. 2145) reveals that "The National and Victorian Drug Household Survey contained a number of indications"

The Prime Minister, Mr Howard predicted that "in the foreseeable future nuclear power will have a significant role" (Australia, House of Representatives 2006, p. 41)

Reference list


For online

Government location, Name of government organisation Year of publication, Title of Debates, viewed Date Month Year, <URL>.

For print

Government location, Name of government organisation Year of publication, Title of Debates, vol. volume number, p/pp. number.


Victoria, Legislative Assembly 2000, Debates, vol. 447, pp. 2144-2149.


  • The volume number may not be available in the online versions

Australia, House of Representatives 2006, Debates, viewed 12 December 2010, <;fileType%3Dapplication%2Fpdf>.